[PATCH] i2c: aspeed: Nullify bus messages after timeout

Eddie James eajames at linux.ibm.com
Tue Feb 4 07:29:26 AEDT 2025

On 2/2/25 21:31, Andrew Jeffery wrote:
> On Fri, 2025-01-31 at 16:29 -0600, Eddie James wrote:
>> For multimaster case, it's conceivable that an interrupt comes
>> in after the transfer times out and attempts to use bus messages
>> that have already been freed by the i2c core.
> This description seems a little vague. Did you hit this case in
> practice?

Yes. I no longer have the back trace but it's a null pointer access in 
the interrupt handler. We had a certain system that would hit this under 
certain conditions and this patch fixed it.

I can update the commit message with some more detail.

>> Signed-off-by: Eddie James <eajames at linux.ibm.com>
>> ---
>>   drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c | 1 +
>>   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>> diff --git a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
>> b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
>> index 1550d3d552aed..e344dcc2233fe 100644
>> --- a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
>> +++ b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-aspeed.c
>> @@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ static int aspeed_i2c_master_xfer(struct
>> i2c_adapter *adap,
>>                   * master command.
>>                   */
>>                  spin_lock_irqsave(&bus->lock, flags);
>> +               bus->msgs = NULL;
> It feels like there's buggy code elsewhere in the driver that this is
> protecting (broken state machine)? I've had a look at the
> aspeed_i2c_master_irq() implementation and can't see what though, as we
> take an early-exit (before indexing into bus->msgs) if bus-
>> master_state is INACTIVE or PENDING.
> Can you be a bit more specific about where the issue lies?

I'm sure the state machine isn't perfect, yea. The bad access can happen 
like this: if a transfer times out while waiting for an interrupt, the 
aspeed_i2c_master_xfer function will either reset the engine or recover 
the bus, and exit ETIMEDOUT. Resetting the engine will turn off 
interrupts, so we're safe. But recovering the bus doesn't turn off 
interrupts, so after the function exits ETIMEDOUT, I assume what happens 
is we get the interrupt for the previous transfer and try and access the 
messages pointer, which the i2c core has already freed.

Thanks for looking!


> Andrew
>>                  if (bus->master_state == ASPEED_I2C_MASTER_PENDING)
>>                          bus->master_state =
>>                  spin_unlock_irqrestore(&bus->lock, flags);

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