ipmitool fru write 0 - does not update "baseboard" FRU

Willy Tu wltu at google.com
Fri May 10 02:17:19 AEST 2024

I am not aware of a way to differentiate between the clients. Might just
have to error out as you suggested.

Willy Tu

On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 5:05 PM Oskar Senft <osk at google.com> wrote:

> I got some code changes that look right, but haven't done much testing
> yet. I realized that a read cache is useful, so I kept it. I split read and
> write cache by defining a new class that keeps all the related data
> together.
> Any suggestions on how to distinguish different clients? Or maybe we just
> error out when we receive a request for a different FRU while we're still
> not done with the first one?
> Oskar.
> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 7:49 PM Willy Tu <wltu at google.com> wrote:
>> I think we should make it so that if a different IPMI client tries to
>> write the Fru we prevent it and only allow one write at a time. I think the
>> fruCache for Read is mostly from some commands that is dealing with one
>> device ID multiple times. When reading subsequent ids... then it doesn't do
>> anything.
>> I think we will need more discussion on that topic since it will be a
>> larger refactor to make that work.
>> Sounds good. Please let me know how it goes.
>> Willy Tu
>> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 10:32 AM Oskar Senft <osk at google.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Willy
>>> Thanks for your input!
>>> From what I can tell, the current implementation will fail in wondrous
>>> ways if there's more than one IPMI client trying to write FRU at the same
>>> time. The existing getFru guards against changing target devId between
>>> calls to not hand-out the same cache for different requests. However, this
>>> will clearly break when different IPMI clients attempt to write the same or
>>> different FRUs at the same time.
>>> We could argue whether that's a supported use case or if we just assume
>>> that'll never happen ... it does seem like quite a bit of an edge case,
>>> though.
>>> I do see it as an issue if there were multiple clients with only one
>>> writing, but others reading - that'll fail in similarly weird ways.
>>> I'm wondering: Do we want to have the fruCache for _reads_ at all? It
>>> seems actually quite wrong, since subsequent reads for the same FRU would
>>> always return the same result, even if the FRU changed through some other
>>> mechanism.
>>> Let me work on a fix that would use the cache only for writing and would
>>> keep it around until the timeout expired.
>>> Oskar.
>>> On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 11:38 AM Willy Tu <wltu at google.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Oskar,
>>>> > C) ipmiStorageWriteFruData clears the cache immediately after
>>>> WriteFru was called. Maybe we should keep that cache around until the
>>>> timeout expires?
>>>> It seems like this is an issue of multiple clients taking to ipmid. In
>>>> the middle of writing... There is another client that is reading or
>>>> something
>>>> else and will reset the fruCache as you mentioned. In that case, I
>>>> think it may be best to refactor it out to use another getFru method...
>>>> maybe like getFruToWrite
>>>> Maybe just something like this
>>>> ```
>>>> std::vector<uint8_t> getFruToWrite(...){
>>>>   if (writeTimer->isRunning()) {
>>>>     return fruCacheForWrite;
>>>>   }
>>>>   auto [_, fruCacheForWrite] = getFru(...);
>>>>   return fruCacheForWrite;
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> Also need to change `writeFruCache` and such to use `fruCacheForWrite`
>>>> and such.
>>>> Please let me know if that works for you. Feel free to reach out
>>>> internally for faster feedback.
>>>> Willy Tu
>>>> On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 11:32 AM Oskar Senft <osk at google.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone
>>>>> tl;dr - Attempting "ipmitool fru write" with an input file that
>>>>> contains additional bytes beyond the actual FRU data does not actually
>>>>> update the FRU on OpenBMC at head w/ entity-manager.
>>>>> Details:
>>>>> I ran into an issue with updating the "baseboard" FRU (0), which is
>>>>> stored as /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin. However, I don't think this is
>>>>> specific to FRU 0 and could apply to other updateable FRUs in the same
>>>>> way.
>>>>> 1. Start off with a "minimal" /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin which just
>>>>> contains chassis type (that's required for entity-manager's fru-device
>>>>> to recognize the file.
>>>>> root at akita:~# ls -al /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin
>>>>> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           512 Sep 21 05:21
>>>>> /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin
>>>>> root at akita:~# hexdump -C /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin
>>>>> 00000000  01 00 01 00 00 00 00 fe  01 01 17 c0 c0 c1 00 a6
>>>>> |................|
>>>>> 00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>>>>> |................|
>>>>> *
>>>>> 00000200
>>>>> root at akita:~# ipmitool fru print 0
>>>>>  Chassis Type          : Rack Mount Chassis
>>>>>  Chassis Area Checksum : OK
>>>>> 2. Prepare a FRU file with additional data, e.g. with frugy:
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ cat demo.yml
>>>>> ChassisInfo:
>>>>>   type: 23
>>>>>   part_number: '4711'
>>>>>   serial_number: '12345'
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ frugy demo.yml -o demo.bin
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ ls -al demo.bin
>>>>> -rw-r----- 1 osk primarygroup 24 May  2 13:51 demo.bin
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ hexdump -C demo.bin
>>>>> 00000000  01 00 01 00 00 00 00 fe  01 02 17 c4 34 37 31 31
>>>>> |............4711|
>>>>> 00000010  c5 31 32 33 34 35 c1 d0                           |.12345..|
>>>>> 00000018
>>>>> Note that frugy generates a minimal binary by default. However, other
>>>>> processes may not and instead produce a fixed size binary blob. This
>>>>> happens, e.g. when performing "ipmitool fru read" which returns the
>>>>> whole contents of the underlying storage. A subsequent "ipmitool fru
>>>>> write" with that blob will fail as explained here.
>>>>> To simulate this here, increase the file to 256 bytes:
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ cp demo.bin demo-256.bin
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 seek=256 count=0
>>>>> of=demo-256.bin
>>>>> 0+0 records in
>>>>> 0+0 records out
>>>>> 0 bytes copied, 5.1138e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ ls -al demo-256.bin
>>>>> -rw-r----- 1 osk primarygroup 256 May  2 13:57 demo-256.bin
>>>>> (frugy) osk at osk:~$ hexdump -C demo-256.bin
>>>>> 00000000  01 00 01 00 00 00 00 fe  01 02 17 c4 34 37 31 31
>>>>> |............4711|
>>>>> 00000010  c5 31 32 33 34 35 c1 d0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>>>>> |.12345..........|
>>>>> 00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>>>>> |................|
>>>>> *
>>>>> 00000100
>>>>> 3. Write the newly generated FRU:
>>>>> root at akita:~# ipmitool fru write 0 demo-256.bin
>>>>> Fru Size         : 512 bytes
>>>>> Size to Write    : 256 bytes
>>>>> Wait ~10 seconds for the fru-device process to reload the contents.
>>>>> 4. Re-read the FRU contents:
>>>>> root at akita:~# ipmitool fru print 0
>>>>>  Chassis Type          : Rack Mount Chassis
>>>>>  Chassis Area Checksum : OK
>>>>> 5. For comparison, write only the minimal FRU:
>>>>> root at akita:~# ipmitool fru write 0 demo.bin
>>>>> Fru Size         : 512 bytes
>>>>> Size to Write    : 24 bytes
>>>>> Wait ~10 seconds.
>>>>> root at akita:~# ipmitool fru print 0
>>>>>  Chassis Type          : Rack Mount Chassis
>>>>>  Chassis Part Number   : 4711
>>>>>  Chassis Serial        : 12345
>>>>>  Chassis Area Checksum : OK
>>>>> I dug into this and found that this is caused by an interaction
>>>>> between
>>>>> https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-host-ipmid/blob/master/dbus-sdr/storagecommands.cpp
>>>>> and
>>>>> https://github.com/openbmc/entity-manager/blob/master/src/fru_device.cpp
>>>>> .
>>>>> Here's what happens:
>>>>> - The "ipmitool fru write" request is handled by storagecommands.cpp
>>>>> ipmiStorageWriteFruData.
>>>>> - ipmiStorageWriteFruData receives the whole FRU blob from IPMI across
>>>>> several calls. On the initial call, it requests the current FRU blob
>>>>> via D-bus from fru-device and caches it in the process. It then
>>>>> overwrites sections of that cache with the received data from IPMI.
>>>>> - ipmiStorageWriteFruData uses information from the FRU header to
>>>>> check whether it received all the bytes that make up the new FRU. Note
>>>>> that this could be fewer bytes than the size of the cached blob. Once
>>>>> it receives all the bytes for the new FRU, it calls
>>>>> /xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice WriteFru via D-Bus with the full FRU
>>>>> blob (i.e. the full cache with modifications on top). After that the
>>>>> cache is cleared.
>>>>> - The D-Bus call to WriteFru is handled by fru_device.cpp writeFRU. It
>>>>> first performs a sanity check and then writes the blob to the
>>>>> underlying device (or the /etc/fru/baseboard.fru.bin for FRU 0). It
>>>>> subsequently calls rescanBusses() which actually executes after about
>>>>> 1 second.
>>>>> - Meanwhile, "ipmitool fru write" continues to happily send additional
>>>>> bytes to ipmiStorageWriteFruData (as in step #3 above). Since its
>>>>> cache has just been cleared, it retrieves the current FRU from
>>>>> fru-device again. However, since that has not yet completed
>>>>> "rescanBusses", it actually received the original FRU again, not the
>>>>> modified version. The above cycle repeats, but this time the original
>>>>> FRU with additional modifications from the additional bytes.
>>>>> In the best case (if the new FRU data is larger than the original FRU
>>>>> data), the result is that the FRU did not get updated at all, since we
>>>>> effectively just wrote back the original FRU. However, if the new FRU
>>>>> data is smaller than the original FRU data, this may result in
>>>>> corrupted FRU data to be persisted.
>>>>> I was trying to figure out how to best fix that, but couldn't come up
>>>>> with a design that would still work. Some ideas:
>>>>> A)  I think what we're missing is feedback from fru-device to ipmid
>>>>> that the FRU write operation has actually completed and the FRU data
>>>>> was re-read. The ipmid should probably not accept any additional write
>>>>> requests until the previous write request has completed and the new
>>>>> FRU data is available.
>>>>> B) If ipmiStorageWriteFruData cannot detect the expected size of the
>>>>> FRU data, it relies on a timeout to eventually write the blob if no
>>>>> more data was received from IPMI. I wonder if this mechanism is "too
>>>>> clever" and we should simply always just wait for the timeout?
>>>>> C) ipmiStorageWriteFruData clears the cache immediately after WriteFru
>>>>> was called. Maybe we should keep that cache around until the timeout
>>>>> expires?
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Oskar.
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