TOF elections for 2024H1

Patrick Williams patrick at
Fri Mar 1 13:38:45 AEDT 2024


For the TOF election this half, we had 5 qualified individuals nominated
and there are 4 seats expiring.  Therefore, we are going to hold our
first TOF election.

Per the TOF election rules[1]:
    - The election will begin on March 1st, 2024.
    - The election will conclude on March 7th, 2024 (*).
    - The election will be by Ranked Choice Voting of qualified OpenBMC

For refreshment, you are considered "qualified" if your Github user ID
is found at the rollcall[2].

The 5 nominated developers are:
    * amboar - Andrew Jeffery
    * jmbills - Jason Bills
    * pointbazaar - Alexander Hansen
    * wak-google - William Kennington
    * williamspatrick - Patrick Williams

Since this will be our first election there may be some rough edges.
Please reach out either by email or in #tsc-and-tof in Discord if you
have trouble or concerns.

What I have done is written a tool `vote` at openbmc/tof-election[3]
that will help facilitate recording your vote for the election.  You are
expected to fork the Github repository, run the tool, commit the
resulting JSON file, and create a Pull-Request to submit your vote.

If you have the `gh` tool this would be as follows:
gh repo fork --clone openbmc/tof-election
cd tof-election
./vote --user <github-id>
# make your selections with 'vote N', 'save', 'quit'
git add 2024H1/votes/<github-id>.json
git commit -s -m "2024H1: <github-id>: add vote"
git push origin
gh pr create

If you don't use the `gh` tool hopefully you know the equivalent
git-commands / github webui operations.

(*) - Since the election rules do not specify a timezone for the
      election, please submit your vote/PR by 23:59:59 Samoa Standard
      Time (SST).

Patrick Williams
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