FW: OpenBMC support for SAM9X75 - follow up

Patrick Williams patrick at stwcx.xyz
Tue Nov 7 10:06:42 AEDT 2023

On Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 08:37:55AM +0000, Marco.Cardellini at microchip.com wrote:
> Hi Patrick, Andrew
> Many thanks for your feed back but we are not sure to understand your answer.
> .
> Does it mean openBMC team will keep updating their code based on any yocto release?

OpenBMC only does development against the Yocto master branch.

If you look at our Kirkstone branch you will see it is 3592 commits
behind master and was last touched in April 2022.  That means it is
missing 1.5 years worth of BMC code development.


> Checked the wiki, kirkstone is the latest LTS version of yocto. https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Releases

LTS releases mean very little for OpenBMC.  Most OpenBMC uses take a
"live at HEAD" approach (or something very near to it).  We do not
maintain past releases and we certainly do not add new code to them.

> Did openBMC team mean if we want to put our meta (meta-atmel) to openBMC github, we have to follow every version from yocto release?

There are two approaches:

1. You add the bare minimum of meta-atmel recipes to support your SOC
into our tree (this was Andrew G.'s suggestion).  We need to understand
what these recipes are.  You will probably end up with a similar set as
what is currently in meta-nuvoton.

2. You ensure your own meta-atmel is a well-maintained Yocto meta layer
(by ensuring it always works against Yocto's master release as well) and
then we can add it into our subtree import tool.  This is how we keep
meta-arm, meta-raspberrypi, meta-openembedded, etc. updated.

> Is there any quick way if we integrate our meta to kirkstone branch?

No.  And even if we did, it would provide no value since our Kirkstone
branch is using relatively ancient code.

Patrick Williams
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