entity-manager: SBTSI and hwmontempsensor

Zev Weiss zev at bewilderbeest.net
Fri May 5 07:10:15 AEST 2023

On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 01:00:47PM PDT, Oskar Senft wrote:
>Hi Zev
>you "removed devices now managed by hwmontempsensor".
>I'm trying to figure out how to add SBTSI support for the TYAN S8036 board
>(AMD Milan). Do I just add the device to the DTS and then reference it in
>EntityManager board configuration via its bus and address?
>Is there still a way to dynamically get Entity Manager (or now
>dbus-sensors) to bind the driver or does it HAVE to happen in the DTS now?

Hi Oskar,

Assuming you use a corresponding, recent enough version of dbus-sensors 
(i.e. including commit a1456c4aba, though hopefully also with at least 
commit 7627c860fa, which was a follow-up bugfix), it *should* work the 
same way it did before, with the device described in your E-M config.

It shouldn't be in your DTS, because then it'd be statically defined and 
hwmontempsensor wouldn't be able to remove it when the host is powered 
off (which I assume you'd want).

In terms of userspace/kernel separation, it's overall pretty similar to 
how it had been previously, just with the management of device lifetimes 
(instantiation & removal) moved to hwmontempsensor instead of 

Hopefully that's clear?  Let me know if you're having trouble getting 
things working though.


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