openbmc/telemetry: First complaint of unresponsiveness

Andrew Jeffery andrew at
Thu Dec 21 09:58:06 AEDT 2023

On Wed, 2023-12-20 at 10:56 -0600, Patrick Williams wrote:
> My gripe is that you should not be holding up the open-source project for
> your own unpublished, undocumented, non-aligned tests.

My understanding is now that Adrian is aware of the patches he is doing
some of his own testing to build confidence in merging them. *That*
latency should probably be measured from around the time I sent the
initial email, as I suspect that's when he became aware of the patches.
So far that's a few days, which isn't unreasonable to me. As a
contributor I sympathise with measuring from when you pushed the
patches for review, and that this seems like yet more delay, but
hopefully we can separate out the events here.

I'd be more concerned about a knee-jerk merge due to getting a mildly
stern email and having the merge breaking things. The fact that he's
testing them to build his confidence seems like reasonable maintainer
practice to me. The fact that it's felt that tests are required in
addition to the automated testing is a concern, but I wouldn't yet
class this effort as "holding things up" in a tar-pit sense.


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