Checking for network online

Jeremy Kerr jk at
Fri Feb 18 11:11:43 AEDT 2022

Hi Johnathan,

> Issue: systemd-networkd-wait-online.service stalls for 120 seconds
> when the managed NICs do not have a network connection.
> TLDR: Should OpenBMC remove systemd-networkd-wait-online.service 
> universally?

Probably not, it's required to implement network-online,target, which
is standard, and may be referred to by arbitrary packages.

There's some good background on the issues you're experiencing here:

in short: most services should be able to start before network-, and be able to adapt to changes in network configuration
after that point.

For your specific issue there:

> Issues: This service blocks entry to
> phosphor-state-manager uses to report the BMC is
> ready to use.
> This is reported via IPMI Get Device ID.

That sounds like more of an issue of whether that reported state
actually represents the expected BMC state...



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