[Question] How can we use underscore "_" in sensor name?

Phil Eichinger phil at zankapfel.net
Tue Sep 14 01:22:50 AEST 2021

On 2021-09-13 12:49, Heyi Guo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can we use underscore "_" in IPMI sensor names? Now we see that "_" in
> sensor names will be replaced with space in the code, even if we
> really use "_" for sensor names in json configuration files.
> The background is that we used underscore "_" in sensor names in
> legacy BMC, and all the OOB software uses such names to get sensor
> data. Therefore we want to make it compatible for switching to
> OpenBMC.
> Is there any way to achieve this?

This works here, using phosphor-hwmon, it does not replace underscores 
in sensor names.
DBus should allow this: "Each element must only contain the ASCII 
characters "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_"
phosphor-webui however does replace underscores with spaces.


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