[bmcweb] Device Level Logging Services

Willy Tu wltu at google.com
Thu May 27 06:50:36 AEST 2021

Hi all,

Main discussion:
bit outdated)

This will be a sub-thread about logging services that will be used to
support Drive (and could support others).

For bmcweb, I am wondering if we can support custom logging services other
than the static ones that we have in

I am thinking about supporting custom log service at a device level that
can be exported by different hardwares log entries that are more specific.
Then at each device resource can link  the Status.Condition to
the LogEntries.

Initial Idea,

For example, I want to have log entries for Drive devices.

ComputerSystemId could still be system or bmc and the Redfish endpoint will
be something like.


On the D-bus side, the service exporting the log can add log entry

We can have

We can parse the `xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper` at
`/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/device` with depth of 1 to get all the new
device log services and so on.

Please let me know if there are any questions about it. If no one is
against it, I'll work on implementing it.


Willy Tu


Willy Tu
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