Seeking your opinion on ways to report both Altitude and Pressure sensors for the DPS310 as well as Temperature from dbus-sensors.

Bruce Mitchell bruce.mitchell at
Wed Jun 2 01:42:57 AEST 2021

Hello Ed,

It has been suggest I seeking your opinion on ways to report both 
Altitude and Pressure sensors for the DPS310 as well as Temperature from 
dbus-sensors before going to far down the road.  Thus that is what I am
attempting to do in the email, others on the mailing list input is 
desirable as well.

As I see it, Altitude and Pressure are different in that
     1) Altitude is computed base off of essentially a policy
     2) Pressures is a read measurement which is a mechanism
     3) Temperature is a read measurement which is also a mechanism

Thank you!


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