User-manager default group roles

Joseph Reynolds jrey at
Wed Nov 18 06:17:32 AEDT 2020

On 11/17/20 11:21 AM, Thomaiyar, Richard Marian wrote:
> Hi Joseph, For SSH to work fine, user must be part of priv-admin...
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Hi Joseph,
> For SSH to work fine, user must be part of priv-admin and must have 
> command/shell as /bin/sh under /etc/passwd file instead of 
> /bin/nologin. Note: There is no direct group called ssh under 
> /etc/group, instead it is just emulated one from phosphor-user-manager 
> to add corresponding shell binary to the user.
> usermod --shell /bin/sh -G priv-admin ${USER}
> If requirement is SSH to be allowed based on group and allowed for all 
> user privileges, then user shell can be updated using usermod --shell 
> /bin/sh itself, but need to remove EXTRA_ARGS from the 
> dropbear.default 
> <>


Thanks for the info.  I do intend to separate the "ssh" group role from 
the "priv-admin" privilege role.  My use case for the admin to NOT have 
ssh privilege, but the service user account does have ssh privilege.  I 
think this is cleaner and applicable to multiple use cases.

For the OpenBMC project defaults, I propose that when a new user is 
dynamically created with the "priv-admin" role, they also get the "ssh" 
group role.  After the user account is created, I do not intend for 
"priv-admin" and "ssh"  be be tied together, meaning you can change one 
and not the other, and you will get the results you expect.

I understand the full set of work for this includes:
1. Create the "ssh" Linux group to represent the "ssh" group role.
2. Change the dropbear.defaults to "-G ssh" (was "-G priv-admin"). There 
may be forward compatibility concerns: for example, when this changes, 
everyone in the priv-admin group should be added to the "ssh" group.
3. Change phosphor-user-manager [6] to re-swizzle the login shell path 
when a user is added or removed from the "ssh" group.
4. Implement BMCWeb REST APIs [7], if desired.

- Joseph

P.S. I intend to repeat this exercise for the ipmi group role.


> Regards,
> Richard
> On 11/17/2020 3:49 AM, Joseph Reynolds wrote:
>> What is the right way to assign default phosphor-user-manager "group 
>> roles" to dynamically created users?
>> Background: Currently, when a new local user is created via Redfish 
>> API POST /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts you have to specify a 
>> Redfish RoleId.  BMCWeb maps the RoleId to a phosphor user manager 
>> "Privilege Role" [1] and assigns ALL of the "group roles" to the new 
>> user [2].  Per [3] this is not intended, and I need to fix this for 
>> my use case.
> usermod --shell /bin/sh -G priv-admin ${USER} is the correct command 
> for per[3].
>> IMHO, the correct approach is for the project to define a mapping 
>> from "role" to "privilege role" that can be used when dynamically 
>> creating a new user.  For example, the admin role maps to "ssh ipmi 
>> redfish web" whereas the readonly role maps to "ipmi redfish web" 
>> (omits "ssh").  Then images can customize this as needed.
>> But where should this mapping be applied?  Does it belong in BMCWeb 
>> or in phosphor-user-manager [4]?  Should we have another D-Bus 
>> property [5] to give this mapping?
> As of today, we are not separating user groups. All users created in 
> OpenBMC belongs to the build time configured groups.
>> - Joseph
>> [1]: 
>> [2]: 
>> [3]:
>> [4]: 
>> [5]: 

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