phosphor-bittware repository

Patrick Williams patrick at
Mon May 11 23:05:09 AEST 2020

Hello Ben,

On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 06:07:44AM +0000, Ben_Pai at wrote:
> Could you please help to create a new repository for phosphor-bittware?

Out of curiousity for others who aren't aware of what 'bittware' is,
could you describe a little about this repository?  It seems to be a
hardware vendor, so it would be interesting to know what the BMC will be
doing with it.

  * What is the overall purpose of the code in this repository?
  * Is there an existing architecture that this code will be following
    or is there some new design that you are persuing (and needs to be
  * Are there existing phosphor-dbus-interfaces that you will be
    implementing?  Are there new dbus interfaces you are proposing to
    implement the functionality you want from this repository?

Patrick Williams
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