Message registries continuation

James Feist james.feist at
Wed Jun 17 06:58:28 AEST 2020

On 6/16/2020 1:50 PM, Patrick Williams wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 01:39:18PM -0700, James Feist wrote:
>> On 6/16/2020 12:47 PM, Matt Spinler wrote:
>>> Also, it may be overkill to need to  read in the same registry for every
>>> language, as there could
>>> be dozens and realistically they will never all be used on a single
>>> system, but if the desire is only
>>> to load them at startup before the current language is known I don't
>>> really see a way around it.
>> I think this would require a default language and a bmcweb reload if the
>> language changed? Its probably ok to change languages after startup, as
>> long as the default language is loaded immediately to lower the chances
>> of run-time issues. As changing languages is probably a very infrequent
>> operation.
> Couldn't two users of the same machine request / require different
> languages?  I know that any machine used by the Australian developers on
> this project I'd need to change the settings on so that I get the proper
> spelling of color.



Yes that's a good point, if you wanted to add language as a user 
setting, you could iterate through users and populate the needed 
languages that way too.

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