Patch for telemetry design

Justin Thaler thalerj at
Wed Jun 17 04:05:10 AEST 2020

Hi Piotr,
	I've taken a read through the design proposal as more of a client of 
the telemetry data. I like this proposal quite a bit as it is pretty 
clear. I had a couple of questions and given the broad level, I wasn't 
sure if gerrit was the right place for them.

On Timestamps, are the timestamps done per metric(sensor reading) or per 
report. This wasn't clear to me from the design proposal, and also it 
was hard to tell where the timestamp was being set.

 From the performance tests section, is there a limit on the number of 
sensors per report, seemingly it is 10, or was this done to simplify the 
performance testing?

The other general question I had was around the amount of data being 
transmitted. For instance, if you're getting reports on every sensor in 
the system (100s) the report(s) could be huge at scale. Would there be 
an option of considering compressed data like BEJSON? Or is this 
feedback that should go to the DMTF?

Justin Thaler
IBM RAS Engineer

On 6/16/20 4:31 AM, Matuszczak, Piotr wrote:
> Hi,
> I've uploaded patch for telemetry service design some time ago. I would like to ask you for review.
> Piotr Matuszczak
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