experts recipe from openembedded

Andrew Geissler geissonator at
Tue Aug 18 07:25:21 AEST 2020

> On Aug 17, 2020, at 2:57 PM, Vijay Khemka <vijaykhemka at> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> Can you please pull following patch for meta-openembedded from master-next branch. I need this library for my module.

Hey Vijay, nice job sending it upstream first!

My normal process is to pull down our repos like this every other Friday. Upstream rebases usually clog up our CI due to changes in base packages like gcc and python so it’s nice to let it work its way through over the weekends.  

So, if all goes according to plan we’d have this change in openbmc/openbmc next Monday.

Sounds like you need it sooner so I just cherry-picked into 


> Regards
> -Vijay

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