Showing signed sensor value when the command "ipmitool sel elist" is executed

Tony Lee (李文富) Tony.Lee at
Mon Oct 28 17:41:01 AEDT 2019

Hi Jason,

We know that when we execute the command "ipmitool sel elist", it will return something like the following,
"18 | 10/16/19 | 18:28:41 UTC | Temperature nvme0 | Upper Non-critical going high | Asserted | Reading 72 > Threshold 70 degrees C".

I met a problem that when the sensor value in the d-bus is negative, the current reading in "ipmitool sel elist" will be 0.
It seems that because the type of scaledValue is defined "uint32_t", there is always a none negative value even current value is a negative value obtained from the d-bus. In

Is this is an issue or I need to set it up somewhere?

Best Regards,

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