entity-manager frudevice interface

James Feist james.feist at linux.intel.com
Tue Oct 22 05:19:44 AEDT 2019

On 10/18/19 5:02 PM, Patrick Venture wrote:
> James;
> As you know, I've started adding:
> "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.FruDevice": {
> "Bus": "$bus",
> "Address": "$address"
> }
> To my json files.  But I was wondering, this feature -- being able to
> point back to a FruDevice by bus+addess may be sufficiently useful
> that entity-manager always adds it when the probe result has a
> bus+address.

I would generally disagree with this, as the FruDevice was meant to only 
be 1 type of probe, and I imagine in the future we'll have gpio, mctp, 
etc types of probes, and I would like to keep it generic as possible, 
and have EntityManager not care what it found on the other side of dbus. 
If there was some way to make it more generic I'd be interested.

> Thoughts?
> Patrick

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