Getting DIMM size in Redfish

Lei YU mine260309 at
Fri Oct 11 14:23:13 AEDT 2019

After sending this email, it's found that there is an existing review
to add DIMM properties:

@Cheng C Yang Could you kindly share where the properties are implemented?
Thanks a lot!

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 11:01 AM Lei YU <mine260309 at> wrote:
> This mail is to discuss how to get DIMM size in Redfish (bmcweb).
> Currently, bmcweb does not report DIMM size because it's not
> implemented, and we are trying to implement this.
> The DIMM interface is defined in [phosphor-dbus-interface][1], which
> does not provide any metadata.
> For OpenPOWER systems, the size information is provided in `PrettyName`, e.g.
>     "PrettyName": "DDR4-2666 32GiB 64-bit ECC RDIMM"
> It is guaranteed to be a string with 5 parts, and we could parse this
> string to get the size.
> I do not know how other systems (e.g. x86 or ARM) get the DIMM size.
> During the [review][2] , Ed suggested creating an appropriate
> interface for the DIMM size.
> It's a good suggestion, but it could be complicated to be implemented:
> * The information is sent by host via inband IPMI as FRU;
> * In ipmid, the code to handle FRU is generic and part of the code is
> generated, so it could be hard to make a specific change for DIMM
> size.
> So the question to the community is, how other systems get the DIMM size?
> Knowing this, we could try to design a generic method to handle the case.
> Otherwise, we will have to write specific code, either in ipmid or in
> bmcweb, to get such specific values.
> Thanks!
> [1]:
> [2]:

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