
Vijay Khemka vijaykhemka at fb.com
Sat Nov 2 11:33:36 AEDT 2019

Hi Jason/James,
I see some limitation in current x86-power-control as we don’t have NMI_OUT, NMI_BUTTON and ID_BUTTON usage. And I am not sure why these are being used. So if I don’t define these in DTS then this program fails. So Please how to disable these. These should be optional. I have following options to disable these.

1. No returning -1 if we don't find line name, simply move on. I have to see impact on rest of code.
2. Make it compile time flag and should be included through bbappend like -DNMI_OUT etc.
3. Have config Jason file and enable or disable gpio line to be used.

Please let us know your thought and how should we approach. I am fine with changing this code and submit patch.


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