entity-manager exposing eeproms

Patrick Venture venture at google.com
Tue Jul 30 03:55:24 AEST 2019


Sorry to flood with questions, but I'm hoping I won't be the only
person asking and in the future, other machines starting to use
entity-manager will find these useful.

I've added the following configuration:

cat configurations/semitruck.json
    "Exposes": [
            "Address": "0x50",
            "Bus": 14,
            "Name": "Aberdeen",
            "Type": "24C64"
            "Address": "0x50",
            "Bus": 15,
            "Name": "Energia",
            "Type": "24C64"
    "Name": "Aberdeen Baseboard",
    "Probe" : "TRUE",
    "Type": "Board"

And I see:
i2c i2c-14: new_device: Instantiated device 24c64 at 0x50
i2c i2c-15: new_device: Instantiated device 24c64 at 0x50

And I see:
Service xyz.openbmc_project.EntityManager:

busctl introspect xyz.openbmc_project.EntityManager
NAME                                     TYPE      SIGNATURE
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable      interface -         -
.Introspect                              method    -         s
org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer                interface -         -
.GetMachineId                            method    -         s
.Ping                                    method    -         -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties          interface -         -
.Get                                     method    ss        v
.GetAll                                  method    s         a{sv}
.Set                                     method    ssv       -
.PropertiesChanged                       signal    sa{sv}as  -
xyz.openbmc_project.AddObject            interface -         -
.AddObject                               method    a{sv}     -
xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Board interface -         -
.Name                                    property  s         "Aberdeen
Baseboard" emits-change
.Probe                                   property  s         "TRUE"
.Type                                    property  s         "Board"

For the two eeproms listed, neither are currently supported by
FruDevice.  It's my understanding that entity-manager "exposes"
things, and I see it adding the eeproms successfully -- but then
doesn't populate them to dbus.  It populates a configuration space for
the sensors, so I expected the same for eeproms.

Am I missing something, or?


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