entity-manager experiments

Patrick Venture venture at google.com
Sat Jul 27 09:40:58 AEST 2019


I was curious if you had any thoughts on what is missing here -- I
wrote a basic json file:

    "Exposes": [
            "Address": "$address",
            "Bus": "$bus",
            "Name": "Razorback",
            "Type": "EEPROM"
            "Address": "0x4c",
            "Bus": "$bus",
            "Name": "Razorback Temp Sensor",
            "Type": "TMP421"
    "Name": "Razorback Board",
    "Probe" : "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice({'PRODUCT_PRODUCT_NAME':
    "Type": "Board",
    "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset": {
        "Manufacturer": "$PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER",
        "Model": "$PRODUCT_PRODUCT_NAME",
        "PartNumber": "$PRODUCT_PART_NUMBER",
        "SerialNumber": "$PRODUCT_SERIAL_NUMBER"

And it finds it:
Service xyz.openbmc_project.EntityManager:

Service xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice:

I don't know why it's named _0, but I can debug that later.

So I introspect on it:
busctl introspect --no-pager xyz.openbmc_project.EntityManager
NAME                                     TYPE      SIGNATURE
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable      interface -         -
.Introspect                              method    -         s
org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer                interface -         -
.GetMachineId                            method    -         s
.Ping                                    method    -         -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties          interface -         -
.Get                                     method    ss        v
.GetAll                                  method    s         a{sv}
.Set                                     method    ssv       -
.PropertiesChanged                       signal    sa{sv}as  -
xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.TMP421 interface -         -
.Address                                 property  t         76
.Bus                                     property  t         17
.Name                                    property  s
"Razorback Temp Sensor" emits-change
.Type                                    property  s         "TMP421"

and all that looks correct, and now there's an i2c device at 17-004c,
but no hwmon path, and:

Jul 25 00:27:24 machine intrusion-sensor[2654]: Error communicating to
entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine intrusion-sensor[2654]: error communicating to
entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine fansensor[2671]: Error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine fansensor[2671]: error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine fansensor[2671]: Error calling entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine adcsensor[2658]: Error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:24 machine adcsensor[2658]: error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:25 machine mcutempsensor[2689]: Error contacting entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:25 machine hwmontempsensor[2675]: Error communicating to
entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:25 machine hwmontempsensor[2675]: error communicating to
entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:26 machine psusensor[2677]: Error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:26 machine psusensor[2677]: error get sensor config from
entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:27 machine ipmbsensor[2674]: Error contacting entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:27 machine cpusensor[2666]: Error communicating to entity manager
Jul 25 00:27:27 machine entity-manager[2694]: Clearing previous configuration

Service xyz.openbmc_project.HwmonTempSensor:
Only root object discovered.

Any thoughts on the disconnect?  Have you seen anything like this?


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