Could phosphor-hwmon support peci-sensors

Brad Bishop bradleyb at
Tue Jul 9 03:52:41 AEST 2019

On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 12:33:21PM +0000, Duke Du (杜祥嘉) wrote:
>Hi All,
>  I have some problems with phosphor-hwmon.
>Could package phosphor-hwmon supports peci sensors such as cpu and dimm tempatures ?
>If yes, could you give me some hints that how do I write configuration for peci sensors, please :).
>Duke, Du

phosphor-hwmon should work with anything that implements the hwmon ABI.  
So I think to make PECI sensors work with phosphor-hwmon, you need hwmon 
drivers for PECI sensors.  I don't know if anyone is working on that.

I suspect the other sensor application - dbus-sensors supports PECI 
just fine.  But I don't know how it works, if it can be used without 
entity manager,  and/or if it can be run in parallel with 

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