2.7 Release: Freeze Week - What to do

Joseph Reynolds jrey at linux.ibm.com
Tue Aug 13 02:40:23 AEST 2019

On 7/8/19 2:00 PM, krtaylor wrote:
> Soon we will branch a 2.7 release candidate. <UPDATE: done, see email 
> from Brad> Here are some things to prepare for:
> 1) Start testing the release candidate as soon as possible - please 
> post results to IRC or email, openly discuss any problems that you 
> find on your system.
> 2) Clean up documentation, bring old docs current, add documentation 
> for new functionality.
> 3) Send me any input for release notes that did not make it in a 
> release feature (github issue)
> 4)Bug cleanup/feature (issue) cleanup, add comments, indicate state - 
> if something didn't make it in the release, please let me know first 
> and/or come to a release planning meeting and we'll take care of it.

Please review https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/features.md
and update it with new features.  If you send me a link to your feature 
docs, I will be happy to add it.

> 5) Master will not be frozen, so new functionality can continue to 
> make progress, but please take some time in the next couple of weeks 
> to test or contribute docs, etc
> Remember: communicate outside your organization MUCH more than you 
> think you need to - use IRC, send email, share what you are doing and 
> where you are with it!
> Happy 2.7 release month!
> Kurt Taylor (krtaylor)

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