Continuing discussion on Handling persistent files (/etc/group)during BMC updates

Raviteja Bailapudi raviteja28031990 at
Fri Aug 9 16:49:32 AEST 2019

Hi all,

We are looking for thoughts and perspectives on the way the persistent 
files are managed across BMC code updates.

The problem is regarding the code update where, as a part of code update 
we don't touch any of the persistent files like /etc/group or /etc/password.

what if the new BMC image has an application which requires some changes 
to be present in these persistent files ?

For Example:
Let's say the BMC image which is used for code update has a new 
feature(ex:avahi) and it requires avahi user and
the group to be present in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group to even kick 
start it's daemon.

How to update such persistent files where customer data might exist?

One of the quick solution i could think of is:
- We can identify what is missing and then write a service override file 
to make the necessary changes in the persistent file.

But i am still looking community thoughts to fix this issue? There was 
already a mail sent regarding same, please find it below:


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