YASL Request

Brad Bishop bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com
Sat Apr 14 01:21:04 AEST 2018

> On Apr 12, 2018, at 11:56 PM, Andrew Jeffery <andrew at aj.id.au> wrote:
> Some advantages I've found to this technique are:
> * There's no reduction of readability in the code


> * You get test binaries that you can run independent of your test framework, as there isn't really a test framework, just autotools running your test binaries in parallel
> * By extension, if you need to debug a failing test case, you can gdb the test binary directly without needing to comprehend the side-effects of the test framework on your test binary

And this.  

Honestly these are my _real_ objections but I brought up runtime overhead because
that is not subjective.  I just don’t like how the direction we are headed
obfuscates things for developers that have a good understanding of standard libraries,
tools, and language features (libc, libstd++, STL, GDB, etc...) and don’t have an
understanding of the internals of GMock or the “techniques" its use drives into the
code.  I expect there to be way more of the former (those up to speed on the standard
libraries, tools, language features) than the latter (those comfortable working on
a GMock inspired codebase).

IMHO these concepts have a greater (positive) impact on the project overall than
super-easy-unit-test writing.  I’d guess I’m in the minority, but hey…I have to
speak my mind right?  I can certainly relate to the opposing viewpoint.

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