YASL Request

Patrick Venture venture at google.com
Tue Apr 10 13:19:38 AEST 2018

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Lei YU <mine260309 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 6:27 AM, Patrick Venture <venture at google.com> wrote:
>> Everyone,
>> I'm working on unit-testing in openbmc, and have cracked most of
>> sdbusplus into mockable pieces and verified I can in fact test against
>> those mocks with a downstream daemon.  I'll be grabbing an upstream
> Great! I have tried to make sdbusplus mockable previously, by changing its
> interfaces virtual, and find out that it is somehow complicated because some
> of the interfaces return the objects and it's kind of hard to mock things like
> bus::new_method_call().

Yeah, ran into that problem, worked around it.  I'm currently fighting
my way through the var_args in message::append where there can be
mixed types, so I can't just cast the tuple to a normal array.  Could
use boost::any, but haven't given into that yet.

> At that time I discussed this with Patrick Williams and he suggested sdbusplus
> should be compact and fast, so it's not a good idea to make it virtual.
> Later it's found that Brad has some good example of mocking sdbusplus in
> https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-monitor/tree/master/src/test
> Hopefully we can get a mockable sdbusplus as a shared library as well!

I'm mocking it in sdbusplus itself, so you get it for free.

>> daemon (or providing a piece of one) to demonstrate how to leverage
>> the mocks to test OpenBMC.  If one designs with testing in mind, the
>> designs come out very differently if not, and so getting unit-tests
>> throughout OpenBMC will be a lot of breaking things apart into
>> testable pieces.  Anyways, where I'm going with this email is that
>> everything we do within a daemon needs to be something that can be
>> mocked -- basically.
>> ***
>> What do I mean specifically?  Consider, file access.  If a daemon
>> routes all file accesses throug a common object implementation
>> provided by a shared library, that shared library can easily also
>> provide a mock interface for those accesses, such that one can easily
>> verify behaviors based on file contents without implementing local
>> files or trying to inject errors.  With a mock's file system
>> interface, you can simply say that a file was unable to be read, or
>> written, or opened, etc.  Another example is mocking ctime.  If you
>> want to test whether something happens after some sleep or period, if
>> your code can receive a mock version of that library, one can
>> deliberately control the results of 'time' or 'difftime', etc.  I have
>> to build these interfaces for some of our downstream daemons and
>> likely for other parts of OpenBMC, and to avoid code duplication it'll
>> help to have them in some library.
>> YASL (yet-another-shared-library) Request.
>> Previous conversations along these lines lead to the idea that we need
>> multiple new libraries for various things.  So, this is yet another
>> use case.  The library itself should be written in such a way that it
>> can be tested via unit-tests, but depending on how thin of a shim it
>> is, that isn't always practical.  See:
>> class FileInterface {
>>   public:
>>      virtual int open(const char *filename, int flags) = 0;
>> };
>> class FileImplementation : public FileInterface {
>>   public:
>>     int open(const char *filename, int flags) override {
>>         return ::open(filename, flags);
>>     }
>> };
>> class FileMock : public FileInterface {
>>    public:
>>      MOCK_METHOD2(open, int(const char *, int));
>> };
>> .... then one just uses the FileInterface for their normally direct
>> posix-style file access.  This can easily wrap iostream, or fstream,
>> or anything.  And then if we provide some libraries for use by
>> daemons, they can transition over to them over time, and then they get
>> mocks for free :D  For a daemon downstream, I've written a ctime
>> wrapper, I'll submit it for consideration later tonight along with a
>> few other things, and then I'll reply to this email with links.
> So this library would contain several interfaces classes (e.g. FileInterface,
> TimeInterface, and hopefully SdbusplusInterface etc) all together, right?
> I vote for it!

The sdbusplus library will have mocks ready sometime this week if I
can get past this va_args issue.  I haven't tried converting the call
to sd_bus_message_append to sd_bus_message_appendv, but I haven't
burned much time trying to handle this.  I haven't yet mocked out
everything, but sdbusplus::bus::bus and sdbusplus::message::message
are nearly done.  There are other bits, I just haven't started.

If we have a set of shared libraries, then those shared libraries
should all have mocks available to enable testing.

>> ***Not meant as a unit-test primer, just trying to provide some real examples.
>> Patrick

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