RFC for Telemetry data collection

Brad Bishop bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com
Fri Sep 8 11:18:45 AEST 2017

> On Sep 7, 2017, at 2:41 PM, Rick Altherr <raltherr at google.com> wrote:
> I have many opinions on telemetry data formats and APIs.  What I'm seeing in your proposal looks pretty good with some subtlety in the details.  For example, I expect to collect most data at least once-per-second,

This sounds like polling the BMC externally.  Did I infer correctly?  How do you feel about a push model with persistent connections?

> not log anything locally, and not alert.  I'll do all aggregation and thresholding at a higher level in the software stack.  I also, ideally, want very descriptive information about where in the system the sensor is.  I've attached a screenshot of what our existing host-based reporting software makes available to higher-level software.  This is a view via the human-readable web interface, the data is normally served via protobufs.
> Rick

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