Machine-scope maintainers for OpenBMC

brendanhiggins at brendanhiggins at
Wed Oct 18 05:25:07 AEDT 2017

> Hello!
> I'm wondering whether we should jot down the maintainers of machines
> supported by OpenBMC, and if so, where? With respect to the latter, one
> candidate might be the MAINTAINERS file in openbmc/docs.

I agree with that idea; this is what the MAINTAINERS file was supposed to be
for. The reason I chose the syntax @repo-name://*, was that the '*' at the end
is supposed to be a file matcher path (this is mentioned in the header of the
document); however, at the time there were no sub-repo owners, hence all the
entries were @repo-name://*.

Nancy and I talked to Brad yesterday and he mentioned that he would like to have
a way to enforce sub-repo permissions, since Gerrit only enforces permissions on
a repo level. We, Google, have recently started doing automated reviews to
verify that Google internal changes had owners that we could go back to durring
a merge/rebase. It should be pretty straightforward to do something similar for
enforcing sub-repo reviewers/maintainers: we could have a bot that would listen
for all new changes (similar to the Jenkins bot) and then add the appropriate
reviewers based on the MAINTAINER file entries; it could also then vote +1/+2
once one or more of the appropriate reviewers have signed off.

Gerrit documentation for doing this type of thing can be found here:

> A related question is: Who are the machine maintainers? Off the top of
> my head I feel the following machines machines match with people:
>     meta-evb/meta-evb-raspberrypi                  Yi TZ Li <    shliyi at    >
>     meta-evb/meta-evb-aspeed/meta-evb-ast2500      Joel Stanley <    joel at    >
>     meta-x86/meta-mellanox/meta-msn                Mykola Kostenok <    c_mykolak at    >
>     meta-x86/meta-quanta/meta-q71l                 Patrick Venture <    venture at>    , Rick Altherr <    raltherr at    >
>     meta-openpower/meta-ingrasys/meta-zaius        Xo Wang <    xow at    >
>     meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-firestone         Lei YU <    mine260309 at>    meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-romulus           Lei YU <    mine260309 at>
> meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon       Brad Bishop <bradleyb at>, Andrew Geissler <geissonator at>

I proposed a change that adds the above entries in the syntax that I suggested

> Less obvious are the following machines:
>     meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto
>     meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-garrison
>     meta-openpower/meta-rackspace/meta-barreleye
> Yet another related question is what do we want to do with machines
> that don't have an obvious maintainer?
> In the case of Palmetto I imagine we could find someone willing to step
> up (/me ducks). Garrison I'm unsure about, and for Barreleye I've had
> kernel patches on the list for several months with not a lot of
> interest in them, which indicates to me that we could probably drop it.
> As some background, Joel and I were recently discussing machine
> maintainers with respect to the dev-4.13 kernel effort. The approach
> Joel kicked off for dev-4.13 was to start from scratch against upstream
> and distribute the forward-porting amongst owners of patches in dev-
> 4.10. That is, if you have patches in dev-4.10 and that are not in
> upstream v4.13, you should rework and send them for us to apply to dev-
> 4.13.

So this is something we have been trying to deal with internally as well, I came
up with a merge/rebase document that described a system for keeping track of
internal changes. At its core, it relies on a set of commit footers:

* Effort - used to specify who the work is for. This makes the project
  responsible for supplying people to address problems supporting these commits.
* Origin - Specifies the original version of an internal commit; used when an
  internal commit is rebased or cherry-picked.
* Dropped - Specifies that a commit is to be dropped in any rebase.
* Upstream - Specifies that a commit is to be dropped if the commit can be found
  in the branch being rebased to.
* Git-repo - used in conjunction with Upstream, used to specify a non-mainline
  upstream repository, this should probably always be an upstream maintainer's
  for-next repository.
* In-review - used to specify where the most recent version of a patch is being 
  reviewed upstream.
* Maintainer - used in exceptionally rare circumstances to identify who is
  responsible for maintaining an internal patch.

We also have an internal GOOGLE_MAINTAINERS file for files that are not
upstream, rather than using the Maintainer footer for everything.

The idea is, that whenever we do a rebase, we can run a script that looks at the
above footers and should be able to resolve most of the issues; either by
automatically dropping the commit, when it has been superceded, or contacting
the appropriate owner when the issue needs to be resolved manually.

Let me know if this sounds useful, and I will get the document in a format that
I can share via email.

> To stress the point a bit, the dev-4.13 tree as it stands does not have
> niceties such as `arch/arm/mach-aspeed/aspeed.c` or any of the machine-
> specific devicetree files. The idea is that in addition to distributing
> the workload, we only add back in what we need and try to avoid
> carrying accumulated cruft across moves to new upstream releases.
> Whilst the distributed approach eases the workload on Joel, it does
> mean that we could miss things that are required for specific machines
> (the board-file hacks are particularly worrisome). This is driving my
> interest in identifying the maintainers. Having such a list of people
> would, for instance, clarify who ought to be on the review list for
> kernel bumps to openbmc/openbmc in Gerrit. In the case of dev-4.13 this
> would help with the go/no-go decision.
> So if you have thoughts on the above or want to put your hand up to
> claim any of the machines in the limbo list above, please do speak up!
> Cheers,
> Andrew


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