possible hackathon

Stewart Smith stewart at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Mar 23 14:00:50 AEDT 2017

Chris Austen <austenc at us.ibm.com> writes:
> I'm not saying there is, but if there was a possibility for a hackathon are
> there any ideas out there that would be of interest?  Some things off the
> top of my head would be...
> Updated simulation model
> remote python scripts to collect thermal data from the host
> Redfish dbus discovery
> bmc swarm... talk dbus over multiple BMCs
> System XML builder
> OpenStack Ironic pluggin

op-test-framework integration.

I have the most basic of basic bits of OpenBMC support:

but it lacks support for literally everything except getting access to
host console.

The reality is, if we're going to ship OpenBMC based OpenPOWER machines,
we need to be able to test them with our automated tests, which means
either the current REST API has to be consumed, or something like
RedFish needs to happen (and be consumed).

It could be helpful to have the OPAL test teams work alongside OpenBMC
dev on this and a good view into the world of living with OpenBMC?

Stewart Smith
OPAL Architect, IBM.

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