Swampd PID-driven Fan Controller

Brad Bishop bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com
Wed Jun 28 08:34:38 AEST 2017

Hi Patrick

> On Jun 27, 2017, at 12:51 PM, Patrick Venture <venture at google.com> wrote:
> Per the requirements to have a fan controller for the quanta-q71l that
> runs within the OpenBMC framework+, I developed the swampd
> application.  It was designed to leverage sdbusplus and other OpenBMC
> libraries and coding standards.

Sweet!  First let me say thanks for your willingness to share your

> It supports:
> * build-time yaml descriptions of the sensors and PID loops
> * run-time configuration of the above
> * run-time fan speed set-point control
> * IPMI controlled manual mode
> * passively and actively read sensors
> * sensors that are from the host
> * any variation on sysfs IO that is configured.

Sounds like a solid feature set.  Can you speak to what level of support
exists for things like hot plugging and/or degraded mode operation?

> The design document is too large to really paste in this email, so
> I'll summarize.
> Each sensor is created based on the configuration provided.  Each PID
> loop is created per zone.  Each zone lives on a separate thread (could
> be merged into one thread that iterates through zones).  The zone
> loops every 0.1s to steer the fans closer to their goal while every
> second it adjusts the goal.
> Some things I know OpenBMC won't like: it's multi-threaded.  It wasn’t

True, we are trying to avoid multi-threaded applications, but if the
problem being solved by threads can’t reasonably be solved some other
way that seems fine.

> built into the current fan-presence package.

I don’t have any issue with this.

> I'm at a crossroads with this project because I'd like to make it
> generally available.  Should I try to submit it for review on this
> list, if so, how?  Or should I push it to Google's github projects
> first?

I think this depends on a couple factors.

As you know, another team is also developing a fan control algorithm.
If the two algorithms are similar I don’t see any point in hosting two
applications that do the same thing.  It would just make it more confusing
for others coming to OpenBMC to pick one or the other for their platform.

Now, if each provides their own unique, fundamentally different fan control
strategy - each with a different set of pros/cons - that is exactly what we
had anticipated and bringing it in seems like a great idea.

For the second factor, I’m going to be a little frank and critical, because
my point is fundamental to the project goals and vision.  Please don’t take
this personally.

This is what is known in OSS circles as a code dump.  It isn’t OSS development.
OSS development happens...in the open.  The first three bullet points here touch
on this:


In an OSS development model, the entire community is given the opportunity
to collaborate and shape the result of the end product, _as_it_is_developed_
through feedback and contributions.

I’m no zealot.  I completely understand that many times factors like product
delivery schedules, etc get in the way of this model, and thats fine.  Thats
why most products using OSS don’t ship with vanilla versions of the project
they are based on.

But the other fan control algorithm _is_ being developed in the open.  A lot of
folks have invested many many hours of peer review in it.

So the question becomes, are you prepared to submit your application to that
same level of peer review and reciprocate by investing the time required to
address the feedback and get it to a point where the community feels comfortable
assuming maintenance responsibility for it?

Thx - brad

> +As well as other requirements.
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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