Design proposal on removing /org/openbmc/settings/boot_policy"

Deepak Kodihalli dkodihal at
Fri Aug 18 04:02:14 AEST 2017

On 17/08/17 11:01 pm, vishwa wrote:

> I don't think so we are coding anything here that is tightly bound to
> anything. Host is not making anything PERMANENT based on anything. So if
> something needs to be permanent, it needs to be set by the user. It's
> just that on seeing ONETIME, the host sets the flag to DEFAULT and that
> makes perfect sense since this setting is for the Host and post
> consuming it, the consumer would need to say that its been consumed and
> hence reset to DEFAULT.

The problem with this is, the end-user has to do manage this manually, 
you didn't even need the onetime/permanent this way.

The problem now is, say user sets the boot mode to 'normal' (the 
default), later changes that to 'safe' as a permanent setting - the 
persisted setting now is 'safe'. Later user specifies say 'BIOS' as a 
onetime setting, the host will reset it back to default after 
consumption, and hence the setting would be back at 'normal', because 
the IPMI default can map to a specific d-bus property default. The user 
needs to remember to change it back to 'safe'. The user didn't want the 
default as 'normal'. I know this is how it was before, but this is 
something the BMC should be able to manage instead of asking the user to 

Your point that the host sets it back to default needn't always apply. 
There's no compulsion for the host to do that. Onetime just means host 
should not persist this setting in it's BIOS.


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