u-boot tree status update

Joel Stanley joel at jms.id.au
Thu Jun 23 17:33:18 AEST 2016


Cedric and I have been working on a u-boot tree that would support our
ast2400 and ast2500 boards on a modern upstream base.

We've now reached the milestone where a representative set of systems
I have access to can boot, with networking, and load Linux (palmetto,
ast2500evb, witherspoon). I have pushed this to the openbmc/u-boot
tree as v2016.05-aspeed-openbmc. There are three configurations in

 ast_g4_defconfig: ast2400 platforms with SPI-NOR and NC-SI support
 ast_g5_defconfig: ast2400 platforms with SPI-NOR and dedicated PHY support
 witherspoon_bmc_defconfig: ast2500 platforms with SPI-NOR and NC-SI support

The names aren't the best I agree. Also, most of our configuration is
hard coded in board headers. We want to move the platforms over to
using u-boot's Kconfig system, as well as adding support for
Facebook's ast2400 platforms that use a different network and flash

High on the priority list is to bring in Teddy's excellent cleanup
work so we can all work on a common tree, and continue the march
towards upstream.

In the coming weeks Cedric is working on cleaning up the flash driver,
and I will be looking at adding NC-SI support to the ftgmac100 driver
so we can drop the aspeednic driver.



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