Migration to Gerrit Server

Patrick Williams patrick at stwcx.xyz
Tue Jun 14 08:14:43 AEST 2016

I've been working in the background at getting a Gerrit server running
for code review and process control.  To recap, this was the previous

    * Upstream projects would be reviewed by their upstream process and
      may use the openBMC mailing list (here) for reviews and discussion
      prior to upstream submission.

    * openBMC owned projects should transition away from Github and to
      Gerrit for reviews.

    * The auto-mailer for Github pull-requests will be disabled.

The server address is: https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz .  Security
paranoid developers (Stewart) will be happy to know this has a valid SSL
certificate courtesy of letsencrypt.org.

What I'm looking for next is help to enumerate the next-steps in the
roll-out.  A few thoughts to get us going:

    1) We need to update openbmc/docs with instructions on how to use
       Gerrit for contributions.

    2) We need to identify how to do CI on Gerrit.  I see a few
       different flavors of this.
        a) openbmc/openbmc compiles on openpower.xyz's Jenkins.  We
           would need to connect this up to Gerrit.
        b) Some projects currently use Travis-CI.  Is there a way to
           hook Travis-CI up to Gerrit directly, or indirectly via
        c) Some projects have no CI.  This should (will) be fixed in the
           near future.  This does raise a sidebar-topic of if Travis-CI
           will be sufficient.

    3) Should we pick a subset of repositories to try this out with?

    4) How do we identify, in Github, which repositories are mailing
       list reviewed and which are Gerrit-reviewed.

Any other thoughts or concerns?

Patrick Williams
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