[PATCH rest-dbus] Add supporting files

Jeremy Kerr jk at ozlabs.org
Thu Oct 8 16:52:29 AEDT 2015

Hi Brad,

> +PACKAGE=rest-dbus
> +
> +prefix?=/usr/local
> +bin=$(prefix)/usr/bin
> +share=$(prefix)/usr/share/$(PACKAGE)
> +srv=$(prefix)/lib/systemd/system/

We have /usr/ duplicated there in $(bin) and $(share).

You probably want this to work with

  make prefix=/usr libdir=/lib

and so using standard path names, this would be

  prefix ?= /usr/local
  bindir ?= $(prefix)/bin
  libdir ?= $(prefix)/lib
  datarootdir ?= $(prefix)/share
  pkgdatarootdir ?= $(prefix)/share/$(PACKAGE)
  servicedir ?= $(libdir)/systemd/system/

> -    resource_base = 'resources'
> +    resource_base = '/usr/share/rest-dbus/resources'

.. but this breaks if we use a different prefix. How about:

resource_base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
         os.pardir, 'share', 'resources')

- which still depends on pkgdatarootdir & bindir, but they're much less 
likely to be altered than prefix.

Also: generally, the systemd service definitions are part of the 
distribution, rather than upstream. Should we be putting that in the 
recipe instead?



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