[NEMO-devel] Questions regarding NEMO & thesis

Jonathan Rispler j.rispler at student.unsw.edu.au
Thu Oct 15 10:27:15 AEDT 2020

Hi Ben,

After doing some more reading of some of your publications and resources such as the user guide (from Jupyter),  I had some questions
that I was hoping to get some clarification to help shape the direction of my project and the literature review.

1)  The 'replacement' supply scenario

In the user guide the 'replacement' supply scenario is defined as " The current NEM fleet, more or less." , My questions regarding this are the

  *   Is it possible to see /print out what this supply situation is so that it can be compared to the current NEM fleet?
  *   Is it possible to adjust the 'replacement' supply situation ? ( for example, adding Snowy 2.0 to hydropower supply or removing
the equivalent of hazelwood from generation in the relevant polygon )

2)  Changing trace files

>From what I've seen, it appears that NEMO's default data source is the 2012 trace files used in AEMO's 2013 100% renewable study.
I've also seen on the user guide that the configuration file can be configured in the following way: "demand-trace -- URL of demand trace data".
It was recommended to me by supervisors to use a recent source of data due to reasons such as increased rooftop PV.
A suggested data source was AEMO's 2018 ISP.

From: https://aemo.com.au/en/energy-systems/major-publications/integrated-system-plan-isp/2018-integrated-system-plan-isp/2018-isp-database - It is possible to obtain excel sheets of traces.

Is there documentation on how to go from an excel file to the appropriate "URL of demand trace data" ? (or other types of traces)

3) Reference Scenario (question for Mike and Anna as well)

In your Article Comparing least cost scenarios for 100% renewable electricity with low emission fossil fuel scenarios in the Australian National Electricity Market, you mention  "A criticism of the AEMO study has been that no reference scenario is provided to put the costs into context with alternative scenarios that can equally fulfil climate protection objectives".

My current plans are to perform two types of optimisations: replacement scenario and least cost scenario (not taking into account existing fleet).

As I have not found many papers utilizing the replacement setting, I will most likely have to create my own reference scenario for the replacement case. However, I was wondering the following about performing the least cost new fleet simulations:

Would it be appropriate to use one of your previous results as my refence scenario ?  (e.g. replacement of the current fossil-fuelled NEM generation fleet with modern, thermally efficient plants) - or would I need to recreate one of your previous results with the new 2018 data source?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide on the above matters.


Jonathan Rispler, (z5115736)

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