[PATCH - revised] rpaphp doesn't initialize slot's name

Linda Xie lxiep at us.ibm.com
Wed May 5 04:30:46 EST 2004

Hi Eike & Greg,

Attached is a revised version of rpaphp.patch.  It has the following fixes:
- Set up slot->name
- Kill some dbgs
- Eike's fixes
- New fixes for incorrect "goto" in rpaphp_slot.c.



Rolf Eike Beer wrote:

>Am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2004 17:03 schrieb Rolf Eike Beer:
>>Am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2004 17:17 schrieb Linda Xie:
>>>Hi Greg,
>>>Attached patch was made against the lastest
>>>It  contains the following fixes:
>>>- Remove an unused label(error_slot defined, but not used)
>>>- Correct a typo(replace hoslot with hpslot)
>>Oops, this looks like I broke it. Your fix is not correct.
>>Please apply this patch and rediff. Greg, you need it first, too.
>Ok, I broke it again. I diffed it from wrong place, this one should apply.
>--- linux-2.6.6-rc3/drivers/pci/hotplug/rpaphp_slot.c.orig	2004-05-04 16:59:10.000000000 +0200
>+++ linux-2.6.6-rc3/drivers/pci/hotplug/rpaphp_slot.c	2004-05-04 16:59:45.000000000 +0200
>@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ struct slot *alloc_slot_struct(struct de
> 	memset(slot, 0, sizeof (struct slot));
> 	slot->hotplug_slot = kmalloc(sizeof (struct hotplug_slot), GFP_KERNEL);
> 	if (!slot->hotplug_slot)
>-		goto error_hpslot;
>+		goto error_slot;
> 	memset(slot->hotplug_slot, 0, sizeof (struct hotplug_slot));
> 	slot->hotplug_slot->info = kmalloc(sizeof (struct hotplug_slot_info),
> 					   GFP_KERNEL);
> 	if (!slot->hotplug_slot->info)
>-		goto error_hoslot;
>+		goto error_hpslot;
> 	memset(slot->hotplug_slot->info, 0, sizeof (struct hotplug_slot_info));
> 	slot->hotplug_slot->name = kmalloc(BUS_ID_SIZE + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
> 	if (!slot->hotplug_slot->name)

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