pci_map_single return value

Brian King brking at us.ibm.com
Wed Dec 24 08:34:13 EST 2003

Anton Blanchard wrote:
>>Why is it that pci_map_single returns NO_TCE on failure on PPC64 and 0
>>on failure on IA64? Which one is correct? If NO_TCE is correct, then why
>>is it defined in a ppc64 include? This makes it difficult for device
>>drivers to actually check for it.
> I brought this up with the architecture maintainers and the concensus
> seems to be having a per arch pci_dma_error() function, like x86-64 does:
> extern dma_addr_t bad_dma_address;
> #define pci_dma_error(x) ((x) == bad_dma_address)

How does this look?

Brian King
eServer Storage I/O
IBM Linux Technology Center
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