addnote : zImage is not a big-endian 32-bit ELF image

Srikrishnan Sundararajan ssrikrishnan at
Fri Jul 19 01:34:14 EST 2002

I'm trying to compile the kernel for ppc64 on an
RS6000 machine. While doing 'make zImage', I get the
following error:

./addnote zImage
zImage is not a big-endian 32-bit ELF image.
make[1]: *** [zImage] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory

Upon reading the addnote.c file, I find that this
error message is printed if either of the following is
not found as part of the zImage's ELF signature.
ELFCLASS32 (for 32-bit I guess) and ELFDATA2MSB(For

Am I missing any thing? Any help will be appreciated.


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