[Linuxppc-users] EPEL repo updates for ppc64le ?

Tommi Sihvo Tommi.Sihvo at tietoevry.com
Tue Jun 30 14:24:36 AEST 2020

Hi Dan,

Thanks for reply;

My query is related to python3 actually, and the pre-req packages.

Our developers were doing installations on this now on 2 ways:

1st way was directly from RHEL + EPEL repo, 2nd way so that they collected source code packages and compiled themselves on ppc64le.

On that ppc64le epel repo, for example this package is on quite old level :

asn1crypto (0.24.0) (from 3/2019); compared to similar x86 package : https://pypi.org/project/asn1crypto/) (1.3.0)

So was just wondering if there would be possibility to have newer versions for ppc64le as well somehow?

Full comparison of the package list here; 1st is from EPEL and 2nd one from their own compiling.

The packages marked with * were such that were not available on EPEL pppc64le at all.

Package        Version

-------------- ----------

asn1crypto (0.24.0)

attrs (17.4.0)

certifi (2018.10.15)

cffi (1.9.1)

chardet (3.0.4)

click (6.7)

cryptography (2.3)

Flask (1.1.2)

gunicorn (20.0.4)

idna (2.7)

itsdangerous (1.1.0)

Jinja2 (2.11.1)

MarkupSafe (0.23)

pip (9.0.3)

ply (3.9)

pycparser (2.14)

PySocks (1.6.8)

requests (2.14.2)

setuptools (39.2.0)

six (1.14.0)

urllib3 (1.25.6)

Werkzeug (1.0.1)

Package        Version

-------------- ----------

asn1crypto     1.3.0

atomicwrites   1.4.0*

attrs          19.3.0

certifi        2020.4.5.2

cffi           1.14.0

chardet        3.0.4

Click          7.0

cryptography   2.9.2

Flask          1.1.2

flask-talisman 0.7.0*

gunicorn       19.9.0

idna           2.9

itsdangerous   1.1.0

Jinja2         2.11.2

jwcrypto       0.7*

MarkupSafe     1.1.1

pip            18.1

pycparser      2.20

requests       2.24.0

setuptools     47.3.1

six            1.12.0

urllib3        1.25.9

virtualenv     16.7.4

Werkzeug       1.0.1



Ystävällisin terveisin / Best regards,

Tommi Sihvo, Lead Service Architect

TietoEVRY, Compute Services

On 29.6.2020, 18.28, "Linuxppc-users on behalf of Dan Horák" <linuxppc-users-bounces+tommi.sihvo=tieto.com at lists.ozlabs.org on behalf of dan at danny.cz> wrote:

    On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 05:26:25 +0000

    "Tommi Sihvo" <Tommi.Sihvo at tietoevry.com> wrote:

    > Hi!




    > Does anyone know what instance is maintaining / updating this EPEL

    > repo for ppc64le ?


    > http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/linux/mirrors/redhat/epel/7Server/ppc64le/Packages/

    are you asking about this particular mirror or about EPEL in general?

    EPEL is a subproject of Fedora (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL).

    Do you have something specific in mind?



    > Thanks!




    > Br,


    > tommi






    > Ystävällisin terveisin / Best regards,


    > Tommi Sihvo, Lead Service Architect


    > [signature_1155223964]


    > TietoEVRY, Compute Services




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