[Linuxppc-users] MariaDB tuning parameters / Best practises?

Tommi.Sihvo at tieto.com Tommi.Sihvo at tieto.com
Fri Jan 25 16:21:04 AEDT 2019

Thanks Daniel!


On 25/01/2019, 1.00, "Daniel Black" <daniel at linux.ibm.com> wrote:

    On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 07:23:56 +0000
    "Iranna D Ankad" <iranna.ankad at in.ibm.com> wrote:
    > Did you already check this?
    > https://www-356.ibm.com/partnerworld/wps/servlet/ContentHandler/stg_ast_sys_wp_ibm-power-systems-solution-mariadb
    This is a pretty good start on configuration
    > Would anyone have good link /instructions regarding mariadb running
    > on Linux on Power (RHEL 7.6 LE) ?
    Later stable version are available in RPM from:
    Documentation above still applies regarding tuning. Applies equally to
    POWER9 though SMT options are different. Some options may have been
    removed from 10.0.14 in innodb especially.
    This should always be a starting point in tuning. After you have a
    running workload, look at the `SHOW GLOBAL STATUS` and see that
    you have a good use of resources and no hot locations.
    Any competent MariaDB / MySQL tuning guide will apply equally to POWER,
    just keep in mind how many extra CPUs you have in the context of what
    is written. Just because you have significant amount of memory isn't
    always a good idea to raise all of the memory settings, though
    innodb_buffer_pool_size to high values (available memory amounts) is
    Daniel Black
    Power Architecture Performance Engineer (MySQL/MariaDB)
    IBM Systems

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