[Linuxppc-users] Queue depth value when using NPIV on LoP ?

Chandan Rajendra chandan at linux.ibm.com
Wed Feb 13 22:04:30 AEDT 2019

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 4:22:05 PM IST Tommi.Sihvo at tieto.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> Can I somehow check the SAN connection queue depth value on Linux on Power RHEL  CLI?
> E.get  similar info as this on AIX:
> sihvotom at capadir01:/home/sihvotom # lsattr -El hdisk3 |grep queue
> queue_depth     8                                Queue DEPTH
> True

You should be able to get the value by invoking,

$ cat /sys/block/<device name>/device/queue_depth

> Setup is: RHEL lpar on PowerVM frame; using NPIV connection & multipath on RHEL side..
> Br,
> tommi
> Terveisin / Best regards,
> Tommi Sihvo,  Lead Service Architect
> Tieto Finland Oy, ZSMS Shared Services
> ZSMSC Cloud IaaS and Infra Capacity services
> tommi.sihvo at tieto.com<mailto:tommi.sihvo at tieto.com>, direct +358 20 725 1771 mobile +358 40 518 0646
> Joukahaisenkatu 1, 5th floor
> 20520 TURKU
> www.tieto.com<http://www.tieto.com/>
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