[Linuxppc-users] Recover from a firmware update failure

Vasant Hegde hegdevasant at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jul 16 22:52:04 AEST 2018

On 07/16/2018 04:31 PM, Toshaan Bharvani | VanTosh wrote:
> Hello,


> I have a S822L Power8 8247 which does not boot anymore, it loads the
> firmware for the service processor and goes directly into SRC B1817212
> error.

We support two side firmware (temporary and permanent).

Can you try booting from other side?
   - Login to FSP ASM page
   - Power/Restart Control -> Power On/Off System ->
       Firmware boot side for the next boot: <change boot side> -> "Save 
Setting" -> reboot


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