[Linuxppc-users] Caffe compilation failed

Bill Seurer seurer at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Aug 2 07:08:48 AEST 2017

On 08/01/2017 09:37 AM, Frederic DUMOULIN wrote:
 > It seems that the cuda files can not be compiled with
 > /opt/at10.0/bin/gcc since the version is 6.3.1 whereas cuda headers
 > doen't support gcc > 5:
> How can it be solved ? 

Is there some reason you have to use the AT10 compiler?

The compiler that came with the distro you are using may be gcc 5 (or 
even earlier), AT9 uses gcc 5 I believe, or you could download and build 
your own copy of gcc 5.

-Bill Seurer

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