inflate returned FFFFFFFB
Alan Nishioka
alan at
Wed Nov 14 05:31:25 EST 2007
After adding files to initramfs, I get the following error:
Uncompressing Linux...inflate returned FFFFFFFB
This is caused by zlib_inflate returning -5 or Z_BUF_ERROR.
The attached patch fixes this problem for me.
It is also available at
It probably also fixes the problem at
and only 15 months too late.
It moves the link/load address higher in memory and tells gunzip it has
more space to uncompress.
You need to change the address in .config
make menuconfig
Advanced setup -->
[*] Prompt for advanced configuration options
[*] Set the boot link/load address
(0x00800000) Link/load address for booting
This is my first post to this list.
Please tell me if I am missing anything.
Alan Nishioka
alan at
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