Audio Dirver for the 403/405?

Grant Likely grant.likely at
Thu May 31 09:10:41 EST 2007

On 5/30/07, bert_maxel <bonlutin at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anybody got some working audio driver (linux) for the  ML403/405 ?
> I know it's an ac97 codec, but I can't find anything related to the xilinx
> boards?
> If nobody has worked on this yet, I'm in trouble. I don't know where to
> start, or from what ac97 driver should I base my initial development?

IIRC, the old mvista 2.4 tree has an audio driver.


Grant Likely, B.Sc., P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
grant.likely at
(403) 399-0195

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