zImage.elf loads but does not start

Miroslaw Dach miroslaw.dach at psi.ch
Wed May 16 04:49:44 EST 2007

> Hmm...
> IIRC TEMAC is configured in FIFO mode.
> And I thought the problem could be due to small FIFOs. So that the default
> NFS reply of 4kbytes could not fit into the receive FIFO, and the CPU is not
> fast enough to read the reply out of the FIFO before it overflows.
> But your observations don't seem to confirm this is the case.
> Anyway, you could try adding
>    nfsroot=,rsize=1024,wsize=1024
> to your cmdline just in case...

Thanks for the suggestions. I will try it tomorrow. I have the feeling 
however that it might be the kernel configuration which might be not 

My board has 32 Mbytes of RAM. I have configured kernel as follows: 

* Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) suppor 
*RAM disk support 
1 Default number of RAM disks 
8192 Default RAM disk size (kbytes) 
(1024) Default RAM disk block size (bytes) 

I do not know however if the stack is properly configured since I did not 
see any parameter in kernel which refers to the stack or heap. 

My bsp i.e xparameteres_ml403.h contains two macros:
#define XPAR_DDR_SDRAM_1_MEM0_BASEADDR 0x00000000

I have the feeling that they are ignored because I did not find anywhere 
in the kernel source those names. 

When kernel boots it prints at the beginning:
loaded at:     00400000 004F9138 
board data at: 004F7120 004F7138 
relocated to:  00404064 0040407C 
zimage at:     00404DF1 004F6BBB 
avail ram:     004FA000 04000000 

According to my understanding kernel first copies "init" to RAM and  
executes it there. Maybe init and/or related libraries are copied to the 
memory location beyond RAM ? This is what comes to my mind right now.

Best Regards


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