[PATCH 2/5] [PPC] Merge common virtex header files

Grant Likely grant.likely at secretlab.ca
Tue May 1 17:16:33 EST 2007

On 4/30/07, David H. Lynch Jr. <dhlii at dlasys.net> wrote:
> There are a plethora of bd_info's in the kernel tree. I think that
> u-boot is probably the most common,
> but the u-boot one is huge and full of cruft.

Be realistic; we're talking about 124 bytes (vs 64 bytes for the pico
bd_t).  If memory consumption is a concern, there are far more
interesting targets.  ppcboot.h is butt-ugly, but at least it's
somewhat common.

> There are also likely to be any number for board/loader combinations
> that are not in the kernel.

If its not in mainline, then I'm not concerned about it because then
you're patching anyway.  I made sure it is easy to patch in a new bd_t
so nobody is screwed.

When those board ports are pushed for mainline inclusion, then we can
add the appropriate conditionals to virtex.h, but in the mean time
it's a moot point.

> But I would prefer that if there is a bd_info struct that it be defined
> by the board not virtex.h or virtex.c.

Understood, but  I do not want to encourage that approach between now
and when we jump to arch/powerpc (legacy bootloader support, yadda,


Grant Likely, B.Sc. P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
grant.likely at secretlab.ca
(403) 399-0195

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