Memory coherency on MPC8272

Dmitri Petchkine dpetchkine at
Sat Jun 23 03:28:24 EST 2007

Hi All,

I am working on a user-space application interacting with the security 
engine on MPC8272, which runs Linux 2.6.10_mvl401 (Montavista Pro 
4.0.1). The driver (version 1.2 22-Feb-2006) for the security engine is 
written by Freescale.

The application calls the driver through ioctl() to perform a crypto 
operation. It is non-blocking call, so the app sits and waits for the 
result when it becomes available. Once the driver notifies the app via a 
signal, the latter does another ioctl() to get the result back to the 
user space from the kernel-space.

Sometimes the returned buffer is just all zeroes which is incorrect.

Here is the piece of code in the driver which copies the data back to 
the user space:

int SEC1_ioctl(struct inode  *nd,
                struct file   *fil,
                unsigned int   ioctlCode,
                unsigned long  param)
         case IOCTL_COPYTO:
             mem = (MALLOC_REQ *)param;
             mem->pid = current->pid;
             copy_to_user(mem->to, mem->from, mem->sz);
             status = SEC1_SUCCESS;

The definition of MALLOC_REQ (file Sec1.h):

typedef struct
     unsigned long sz;   /* Number of bytes to allocate
                            Zero means to use the default.  A value
                            of zero can be used to avoid fragmentation. */
     void         *ptr;  /* Pointer to the adress that is to
                            be returned by a call to KernelMalloc()
                            or a pointer to an address that is to
                            be freed when calling KernelFree()   */
     char         *to;   /* copy to pointer */
     char         *from; /* copy from pointer*/
     int           pid;  /* pid of requestor */

The problem goes away if I add printing of some buffer (it can be 
mem->to or mem->from, or even another, unrelated buffer) AFTER the call 
to copy_to_user(), i.e.:

         case IOCTL_COPYTO:
         {   char garbage[128]; /* new line */
             mem = (MALLOC_REQ *)param;
             mem->pid = current->pid;
             copy_to_user(mem->to, mem->from, mem->sz);

             PRINT_HEX( garbage, 128 ); /* new line */

             status = SEC1_SUCCESS;

My understanding that the security hardware of MPC8272 uses DMA to write 
results into the memory which may cause a coherency problem.

My exposure to such hardware issues is very limited, so I appreciate any 
advice on how to fix it.

Thanks in advance,
Dmitri Pechkin

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