booting zImage.elf

Shelley, Mike Mike.Shelley at
Tue Jun 19 10:05:59 EST 2007

I've been trying to read up on how elf works and how to boot the linux kernel image with a custom boot loader.  I can't seem to find anything about booting an elf image.  I'm using a PCI Express XpressFX Board (which has a Virtex4), by PLDA, with DDR2 memory.  I've got the kernel image booting using a BDI to load it. Now I need to get it to load without the BDI.

The quick question is, Is it possible to load zImage.elf straight into memory, then jump to the address it was loaded to?  If not, how do I convert the elf image into just a bootable image that I can jump to?

I looked at the uboot code to load elf files, and it appears to copy the sections around.  Is this necessary?

Pointers on where else to look or how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

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