JTAG emulator for MPC8548E (v2)

Morrison, Tom tmorrison at empirix.com
Wed Jan 24 04:07:15 EST 2007

What do people recommend for a JTAG emulator for the MPC8548E 

(version 2 silicon).


We are not built (or want to) to work with Code Warrior 

environment - thus we can't use the ones that came with 

our CDS.


Important (or nice to have) features:


  network capable (easy remote debug)

  kgdb compatible (easy kernel remote debug)

  gdb server compatible (for user level remote debug)...




Thanks in advance.




Tom Morrison
Principal Software Engineer

20 Crosby Drive - Bedford, MA  01730
p: 781.266.3567 f: 781.266.3670 
email: tmorrison at empirix.com <mailto:tmorrison at empirix.com>  
www.empirix.com <http://www.empirix.com/> 


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